Ingredienti per 2 persone
- 2 uova medie di masseria bio
- 8 asparagi
- 30 g di ventricina laziale
- 15 g di burro
- 2 cucchiai di olio extra vergine di olive leccine
- 1 cucchiaino di prezzemolo tritato
- sale e pepe
Affettare e tritare a coltello la ventricina.
Lavare gli asparagi, rimuovere con le mani la parte finale legnosa, flettendo il gambo in modo che si spezzi, lasciando in modo naturale la parte tenera.
Fried egg with ventricina on buttered asparagus
Ingredients for 2 people
- 2 medium-sized organic farm eggs
- 8 asparagus
- 30 g of ventricina
- 15 g of butter
- 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil leccine
- 1 teaspoon of chopped parsley
- salt and pepper
Slice and mince the ventricina with a knife.
Wash the asparagus, remove the woody end with your hands, flexing the stem so that it breaks, leaving the tender part in a natural way.
Place a large pan filled with water over the heat. When it boils, add the salt and immerse the asparagus. Cook with lid for 8 minutes. After this time, drain and quickly insert into a rectangular pan containing water and ice to maintain the bright green color. Sauté in a pan with butter, keep warm.
Break the eggs, one at a time, gently into a small anti-adherent pan where we will have warmed the oil. Cook for a few minutes over medium heat, so that the yolk is soft. Salt and pepper.
Serve the asparagus, add the egg and finish with the ventricina and parsley. Serve immediately.
Enjoy your meal